Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Lesson Today Is Perception

Attention, class.

The lesson today is perception.

What does perception mean ? According to Oxford, it means ....


• noun 1 the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. 2 the process of perceiving. 3 a way of understanding or interpreting something. 4 intuitive understanding and insight.
- ORIGIN Latin, from percipere ‘seize, understand’.

The definition of perception can be found here.

For Malaysians, perception is very important. You may be a snatch thief, but if you are driving a Mercedes Benz, people don't suspect you are one. You may say the economy is doing well, but if the average Joe can barely support him and his family on RM 2K a month, for him, the economy is just okay.

Which brings us to the current scenario of Deputy Internal Security Minister, Dato' Johari, being suspected of receiving 5 million, for freeing suspected triad bosses, from reports listed here and here.

The Deputy Ministers response, as shown here and here, is,of course, denying the accusations.

When I first read about it, my thoughts were simply that he has the right of due process ( of course, he is a deputy minister, not an opposition fellow ) and let the police complete their investigations, with ACA involvement.

But when I read about this piece today, my perception, and I am not sure I am not alone, changed.

Datuk Johari, if you are not guilty, don't worry .... tapi, our perception of you has changed a bit.

Google News links on this issue.

1 comment:

Observer said...

I guess the key is the ability of deciphering the very perception is being sold to us.