Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Beginning Of The End ?

The recent announcement of the Lingam report might be the start of the end of for Tun M. Well, whatever is the wayang kulit is going on .. I see a subtle shift in Pak Lah's tactics, in the way that he is slowly revealing the failings of Tun M's PM administration in order to divert attention from his own failings.

It might work , might not work ... but is Pak Lah turning into our own 'Habibie' ? ... the signs are there and rightly, a lot of UMNO folks are worried. But, they should take heart in seeing how GOLKAR ( Indonesia ) is still around, even though they are not in power. But, what UMNO needs right now is a real, no red herring, transformation, or they might be irrelevant sooner or later. What I would suggest is that they look to PAS on how it transformed itself after the 2004 elections.

Malaysian politics is getting more and more interesting nowadays ... ;-)