Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Rocky N Ooi + Malaysia Baru

As most people who follow the local blogging and Malaysian political scene know about the Jeff Ooi - Rocky suit by the NSTP and et al. Well, this has proved a milestone, in my opinion, about blogs in Malaysia. Blogs have been recognized as a medium of information, by the powers that be.. hence the suit.

What is the content of the suit ? Detailed news about it can be found here ... in summary, NSTP wants certain posts in Jeff Ooi's blog and Rocky's blog, removed to due their contents that relate to NSTP.

Now, why is the main reason of the suit ? Various blogs have put out their opinion, available here ... in my opinion, both have exposed a few can of worms that cannot be closed. The inner workings and dealings of The Man ;-) so to speak ... hehe.. I admit that I read both blogs and have found some of their posts quite disturbing, in revealing the inner workings of how things work in the higher echelons of the country. Previously, without a media to disseminate this info, Malaysians depended on the print and electronic media, and no BS, we know how that works !

Malaysia is now at a critical junction ... where do we go from here ? We want to go forward yet are still shackled by the old ways and methods. We want to develop this country and its people, yet still want to rigidly control the minds of the people ...

But, I am happy with how things are developing in the court of the public opinion, .. more and more people are now realizing what is going on .. opening up their minds and questioning the status quo such as here, here and here ... maybe not directly to blogs ...but influenced by blogs ;-)

The ruling powers are now at a quandary in a way .. they want to retain control, keep their shenanigans secret, but due to the relative availability of alternative information, their grip is not as strong as it used to. In the end, they have to resort to actions such as the suit and this.

What I fear is that in the long run, what will happen is that Malaysia will be controlled by the ricj elites and the rest of Malaysians are just slaves / worker bees to feed the elite. It may be an exaggeration by yours truly and I hope that it does not come true.

To Jeff n Rocky, you are not alone and I will walk with you, like the others who have.

To right thinking Malaysians, patriotism does not mean agreeing with the government of the day on everything .. it is loyalty to the country !


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