Thursday, February 20, 2025

Notebook Mind 200225

 A bunch stuff I liked reading and watching today

1) Bloomberg interview with Sam Altman here. about AI and etc. 

In the interview, Sam Altman discusses:

ChatGPT's first two years: Altman reflects on the progress and impact of ChatGPT since its launch.

Elon Musk and AI: He shares his thoughts on Elon Musk's views and involvement in AI.

AI under Trump: Altman talks about the potential implications of AI development under a Trump administration.

 2) Behind the scenes of a NY bakery. I love watching the behind the scenes videos as it shows how people doing their business.


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Been Dancing The Productivity Raindance?

 Read this article by Cal Newport about productivity raindance, and it hits the spot in terms of productivity, in my opinion. 

Overall, the article talks about balancing the process and the output as well. James Clear is popular about focusing on the process, and rightly so, as well, but it makes sense that the output matters as well, and has to be considered. 

It reminds me about what Ali Abdaal has said about productivity, which it has to be intentional, effective and enjoyable. The key here is intentional. 

I will definitely consider the ideas here, going further.

Cal Newport n Chris Williamson

One of Ali's productivity videos ... he talks and does a lot of productivity stuff

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Kisah Analogi US Russia Meeting di Arab Saudi 180225

 Kisah A, B dan C

A tgh gaduh dengan B 

C tolong A gaduh dengan B dengan bantuan logistic, tp yg gaduh depan2 adalah A dengan B.

Lepas tu, tiba2 B dan C berbincang bagaimana nak stop gaduh dengan A, tapi A tak diajak berbincang dan disuruh duduk diam2. Apa yang B dan C putuskan, A mesti ikut, kata mereka.

A - Ukraine

B - Russia

C - USA 

Betul ke telahan den tentang apa yang tengah berlaku di Arab Saudi sekarang?

PS/ - This is some weird s**t. Putin is disco dancing now.

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Ryan Holiday Advice for The Next Four Years

 Read this blog post by Ryan Holiday, and thought that it is applicable, in general, for a good approach of life.

In summary, he advocates

  • I’m focusing on what I can control.
  • I’m reading old books, not watching the news.
  • I’m reminding myself what my job is. 
  • I’m trying to raise my kids well.
  • I’m keeping a journal.
  • I’m using my platform to support what I think is important.
  • I’m focusing on the things that don’t change. 
  • I’m treating people well.
  • I’m prioritizing stillness. 
  • I’m contributing to my community. 
  • I’m not always having an opinion.
  • I’m picking up the half-dead crow. I’m helping the starfish.
  • I’m refusing to become cynical.
  • I’m looking for the helpers.
  • I’m grabbing the sturdy handle.
  • I’m focusing on my expertise.
  • I’m not letting the sonsofbitches turn me into a sonuvabitch. 
  • I’m doing difficult things.
  • I’m choosing to be philosophical. 

I posted on the advice for 2025 for further reading here.

Monday, February 03, 2025

Notebook 040225 Part 1

 I realize I watch a lot of interesting videos and some of them contain good ideas, insights and lessons, so from now on, I post these videos and info about these stuff under Notebook. Probably, not daily, but at least every few days.



Overview of DeepSeek

- a nuanced review of DeepSeek

The Triumph of Human Spirit

Whatever you think about Gaza, you have to respect the resilience of humanity.

DeepSeek 101 for Techie Geeks

A nice introduction to DeepSeek and how it works, for techies.


OpenAI makes some changes.

Titik Perubahan Pintu Kunci Rezeki oleh Kartunis Taugeh

 Melihat video di bawah, pengalaman hidup beliau boleh dijadikan panduan hidup yang berkat, InsyaAllah.


- It is in the end, back to Him.