Tuesday, April 02, 2024

My First Microsoft Copilot Post

 On a whim just now, I tested MS Copilot ... here was my request ... " write a 500 words positive blog post about Ryan Holiday "

So this is what came up ...

Ryan Holiday: A Modern Stoic Shaping Minds and Marketing In the realm of modern philosophy and marketing, few names are as resonant as Ryan Holiday's. Born on June 16, 1987, in Sacramento, California, Holiday has carved a niche for himself as an author, marketer, and entrepreneur, notably for his work in popularizing Stoic philosophy¹. Holiday's journey is one of audacity and ambition. Dropping out of the University of California, Riverside at 19, he embarked on a career that would see him consulting for authors like Tucker Max and Robert Greene¹. His marketing prowess shone brightly during his tenure as the Director of Marketing for American Apparel, where his innovative strategies left a lasting impact on the industry¹. However, it is Holiday's literary contributions that have cemented his status as a thought leader. His debut book, "Trust Me, I'm Lying," was a critical exposé on media manipulation and online journalism, earning a spot on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list¹. This was just the beginning of a series of works that would delve into the depths of human nature and philosophy. Holiday's books, such as "The Obstacle Is the Way," "Ego Is the Enemy," and "Stillness Is the Key," have not only sold millions of copies but have also been instrumental in reviving interest in Stoic philosophy¹. His writings offer a contemporary take on ancient wisdom, making it accessible and relevant to today's audience. His work has been embraced by sports teams, CEOs, and individuals seeking practical wisdom for life's challenges. Beyond his writing, Holiday is a media strategist with a keen understanding of the digital landscape. His second book, "Growth Hacker Marketing," highlights the shift from traditional marketing to growth hacking, a testament to his forward-thinking approach¹. Holiday's influence extends to his podcast, "The Daily Stoic," where he distills Stoic teachings into digestible daily lessons. He also owns the Painted Porch Bookshop, a hub for those seeking knowledge and community⁹. Despite his success, Holiday remains a polarizing figure, particularly for his commercialization of Stoicism through products like "Memento Mori" coins and various courses¹. Yet, it's this very entrepreneurial spirit that has allowed him to spread Stoic principles to a broader audience. At the heart of Holiday's philosophy is the belief that obstacles are not impediments but growth opportunities. His life and work embody the Stoic virtues of courage, temperance, justice, and wisdom. He encourages us to embrace challenges, control our perceptions, and act with integrity. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, Ryan Holiday stands as a beacon of practical wisdom. His contributions to literature, philosophy, and marketing continue to inspire and provoke thought, urging us to look inward and rise above the tumult of our external circumstances. In conclusion, Ryan Holiday is more than an author or marketer; he is a modern Stoic whose teachings resonate with timeless truths. His work serves as a reminder that, even in our fast-paced, technology-driven world, ancient philosophies still hold the key to living a fulfilled and purposeful life. Source: Conversation with Bing, 03/04/2024 (1) Ryan Holiday - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Holiday. (2) Ryan Holiday (Author) Bio, Wiki, Age, Daily Stoic, Height, Parents .... https://factsbio.com/ryan-holiday/. (3) Lives of the Stoics - Google Books. https://books.google.com/books/about/Lives_of_the_Stoics.html?id=F3zZDwAAQBAJ. (4) The Logos - RyanHoliday.net. https://ryanholiday.net/the-logos/. (5) About - RyanHoliday.net. https://ryanholiday.net/about/. (6) . https://bing.com/search?q=Ryan+Holiday+books. (7) My Books - RyanHoliday.net. https://ryanholiday.net/ryan-holiday-books/. (8) Books by Ryan Holiday (Author of The Obstacle Is the Way) - Goodreads. https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/5775580.Ryan_Holiday. (9) Ryan Holiday Books in Order (13 Book Series) - Most Recommended Books. https://www.mostrecommendedbooks.com/series/ryan-holiday-books-in-order. (10) Ryan Holiday Daily Stoic, Bio, Age, Wife, Books, Stoicism, & Net Worth. https://factsbuddy.com/ryan-holiday/.


I used Grammarly a bit .. just to modify here and there ... in short, am impressed. As a follower of Ryan for a while, a lot of content above tallies what I think of him.

An interesting result for my first moir jump in to AI :D

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